Welcome to the E-Book version of Love Speaks!
Did you know there are not one, not two or three, but twenty-one unique ways that God is speaking each week? And He’s speaking through the fullness of all three Persons of His Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. What if hearing God’s voice can be a continual source of experiencing God’s peace, presence, and love, even when you don’t have all the answers? It can! And it’s easier than you might think.
Is recognizing God's Voice really possible? Love Speaks will teach you that the answer is a resounding YES! This Book explores the 21 ways we can hear God's voice in our lives and guide us in personal growth with God. The more often you can learn to recognize God's voice of love speaking to you, the more of His love you can receive personally, and also share with the world.
This book is an excellent Bible Study Guide, filled with teaching, scripture, and amazing historical examples of people that have heard God’s voice. And remember - Keep Listening!